Memory Verse: Not doing this right now...
♥Husband Encouragement♥: Just supporting him in everyday life.....we've both been through alot this past year and just need to be there for each other every day!
♥Make something special for's been tight and he has been eating whatever I come up with...I may take him out for Mexican one night.
♥ give him more time to work on lessons....he has been doing good with what time he has...but I really need to make sure he has more time.
To Train Them Up:
* Keep Reading with Them....
* Back on chores and school routine
* Praise them more!!!!!! I tend to fall into the old routine of just expecting them to do stuff...and not giving them praise for it when it is done...REALLY NEED TO KEEP THIS UP!
* Do Character traits with them again...we have really fell behind on doing these.
Personal Goals:
* Stop Drinking Pop..... I did quit....but see below post...I started back it's time to QUIT!
* Get up 30 min earlier in the mornings and get my shower and quiet time before the rest of the house wakes up. (getting there)
New Habit of the Month: I'm keeping up three months at a time just as a reminder of what habits I need to keep up.
*March- Clean the kitchen before bed every night. Was doing this at one time and got out of practice... :)
* April- With Spring here, our area by our back door is out of control.....Need to keep this picked up every day.
* May - Pick up living room nightly. It has been just getting left with whatever is out.
Must Do:
* Enjoy my kids!!!!
*Enjoy my kids!!!!!
* Just relax!!!!
* Get curriculum orders ready so that books will be here by I can then plan and get everything ready by August. even though we school all year, August is typically when we start new books.
Zone: Not doing zones anymore
Menu: TBD
Fun Things:
* Getting to enjoy this cool weather! (Before the heat sets in)
* Several Projects going on around the house.
Three Things I am Thankful for! (yes, I am still thankful for these things...and they seem to be staying at the top of my mind right now. :) )
* My beautiful babies.....can't get enough of them right now...
* My wonderful amazing husband! I will never understand how he does all that he does...and still has more to give!
* The ability to home school our children and to travel with my husband. Absolutely Love It!!!!!
If you want to join in on Monday Meanderings, visit Sarah to link up!
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Thank You very much for stopping by and listening in on (reading about ) our song! Words of Encouragement or Wisdom are always welcome! Praying you have a Blessed Day! Crystal