Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What will you teach them about sex?

      Go here to enter the giveaway for a very good book! 

This is not something that has been at the forefront of my mind.....but it should have been and should be....What will we teach our kids about sex....besides what they learn in biology?     And honestly, it doesn't start when they are teenagers, it starts as soon as they can soon as they can see the magazines in the checkout lines at the stores....or the video's at the video store (you know the ones that used to be up high and have covers over them...but are now down at eye level and very obvious) soon as they start asking "Mom, why is she just wearing her bathing suit?    or  in my 7 yr old girl's question...."Momma, you could see her "------".  Why didn't she have clothes on?"   (Just for information, on the rare occasions that we go to the video store now,  we now only go down the kids isle in the movie store...if there is a new release out that is kid appropriate, I go and get it and then go back to the kids....they do not just wonder the video store....) 

Just some thoughts, and the post is very thought provoking.   What will we teach them?  

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